Causes of Hemorrhoids

(Last Updated On: August 17, 2020)

Causes of hemorrhoids are due to varied reasons. The blood veins, which are in the rectal region, will respond to the tension that is being strained in the area. Yet, the tension may come from different origins and may lead to the troublesome and painful condition of hemorrhoids. Being well-informed about the different reasons behind hemorrhoids can aid to transform your life in avoiding hemorrhoids from inflicting intolerable pain.


Constipation is the most common cause of hemorrhoids. Tension in the anal area is caused by straining during bowel movements if a person is constipated. This will consequently put a strain on the blood vessels, leading them to become inflamed and irritated and bleeding may be evident. This is from the blood veins responding to the tension from the bowel movements. You may be required to change your diet in order to prevent future problems.


After constipation, pregnancy is the most typical reason for hemorrhoids. This may be caused by different reasons. For instance, the continual tension that is happening in the blood veins in the rectal area can cause irritation. In turn, the blood veins will work harder as a result of a drastic increase of hormone levels. This will then put tension on them, resulting from inflammation and irritation. If a patient is pregnant or expecting to be pregnant, it is very important to know that this is a normal part of pregnancy. However, it is only for a limited period of time and will usually disappear after you have given birth.

Portal Hypertension

Another reason for hemorrhoids is portal hypertension. This is caused by too much pressure from the blood veins that protrude from the intestines to the liver. Consequently, this will lead to a smoother bowel movement and pressure from the blood veins and will cause hemorrhoids as a result. The various kinds of hemorrhoids that happen can lead to irritation and strain, as well as bleeding in the rectal and anal area.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

This condition happens when the blood veins in the rectal region are delicate, and can easily be damaged. This places tension on the vessels, as they will have to work extra hard. Basically, the tension is also worsened with prolonged sitting or standing. If you are overweight, if you exercise habitually or if you are a smoker, this can result in irritated blood veins.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS)

Inflammatory bowel disease may also cause hemorrhoids. This happens when you are constipated or you have diarrhea, as well as stomach pain from problems with your digestive system. It may lead to hemorrhoids to react since there is extra tension that is placed on the blood veins. This is very common if the condition is based on constipation.

Once you have hemorrhoids, it is best to seek out the origin of the hemorrhoids and why it is happening. After that, you can change specific parts of your lifestyle, such as your food intake to help avoid the hemorrhoids from being incessant trouble.

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About the Author: Healthy Symptoms

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